Saturday, August 1, 2009

Game time! What can I do to playfully get back at my boyfriend for getting a mohawk??

Ok my boyfriend is at his best when he has his medium to long hair. Some people just dont look that good with short hair and he's one of them. But then he cut it off except for the middle so he has a mohawk! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! i think i might cry lol. Sooooo I want to mess around with him playfully though. What can i do to myself (temperarily) that would kinda make him feel like how i feel that he got a mohawk!

Game time! What can I do to playfully get back at my boyfriend for getting a mohawk??

dye ur hair

wear clothes that he hates

speak with a accent

Game time! What can I do to playfully get back at my boyfriend for getting a mohawk??

shave ur head

Game time! What can I do to playfully get back at my boyfriend for getting a mohawk??

do like me, and dye your hair all pink! but if you dont want it to stay in, then tell him its permenant, but just get the temporay crap, and that will probaly make him look twice. oh, and to get any kind of odd, unatrual color out, just wash with warm/hot water to make the color come out faster, and cold to make it stay in.

Game time! What can I do to playfully get back at my boyfriend for getting a mohawk??

When I got a mowhawk, my boyfriend was very angry and my dad cried.

Granted, I'm a girl- so it was probably a bigger deal.

I suggest you just accept him for who he is. Don't pretend to be a punk because it will just make you look lame.

Game time! What can I do to playfully get back at my boyfriend for getting a mohawk??

Make a huge mohawk with gel and spray paint it different colors. Then, playfully ask him would he like to go for a movie. LMAO

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