Saturday, August 1, 2009

Help me! I want a choppy haircut?

I want medium choppy layered hair and choppy short bangs. Do I just say that to the person who cuts my hair? and tell them to use a razor?

Also, would it look weird with wavy hair (I straighten my hair sometimes but I don't want to ALL the time). Help with any of these questions would be greatly appreciated. And maybe pics if you happen to have them. But I mostly need the first two questions answered

Right now the length of my hair is at the bottem of my neck and its already layered front and back but not choppy and I have no bangs.

Help me! I want a choppy haircut?

Bring a picture/magazine and show them specifically what you want. And if your haircut is a huge change (I'd say doing your bangs is), then go to a reputable place, definitely not Great Clips or Supercuts. You get what you pay for.

Help me! I want a choppy haircut?

ask a

Help me! I want a choppy haircut?

Each cut looks different when you straightened it than when you let is curl...remember go longer if you let it curl often cause it will look really short if you base the length on straightened hair. Razor gives it that tattered, choppy look rather compared to scissor cuts. Definitely ask friends, family and co-works for referrals....word of mouth is better than a bad haircut any day.

Help me! I want a choppy haircut?

you're going to want to straighten it every day, and will definatly need to style it. I had the hair you're talking about. don't have them cut off any of the length and let it grow, longer hair's getting to be really popular.

but i do totally suggest that you tell them you want it razor cut(:

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