Saturday, August 1, 2009


I want to go for a haircut soon but don't know what style to go for. have medium length hair which is past my shoulders and want it cut shorter, but not really short because i want it to be able to go back into a bun or pony so I don't have to straighten it everyday as my hair is really wavy, any ideas?



this is a cute style, good luck!


here is a list of short hairstyles to take a look at for inspiration:


get a skin head


Maybe you will find some ideas here:


With wavy hair I have always found layers are good! they lighten the weight of your hair as well as calm the waves. Cutting down on straightening time. But it also depends on ow wavy is wavy. Like if you practically have sprial waves then layers is bad becuase it look like and afro. But with you length hair I suggest layers. But long blending layers so your can still put it up in a bun or a pony. I think not going any shorter then your ears would be good.

Hope this helps.


You can go here:

and underneath where it says FIND ALL HAIRSTYLES WITH: you can select the length, color, hair type, and gender of the hairstyle you may want. then press DISPLAY, and you can go through your results and find some cute and unique hairstyles. Some are pretty crazy, but you can still find some cool stuff.



If your face isn't too round, you should go for a fringe, they frame your face and make people see how beautiful it really is!

layers are always the right way to go, unless your hair is very thin and go for a cut that won't take a hour to get ready in the morning!

you could always take a photo of a nice haircut, and ask them to make it look like that!

Kissrach xx

Haircut??????????? (the one on the left)


How about just asking the hairdresser for her advice.

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