I'm 35 weeks along, this is my first baby so I am doing the 1st time mommy thing and going super nuts about everything!
My newest craze is the air in our house... We live in Arizona (for those of you who wouldn't know what this means it DRY as a bone, HOT, and FULL of dust)
Will the air in my house have a bad effect on the baby? Ive been dusting for days and vacuuming and things but it never seems to get any better!
We also have 3 cats (one long hair one short hair and one medium hair) . Ive been brushing them CONSTANTLY to try to cut down on the hair, but I never seem to be getting anywhere. (yes I know not to let the cats sleep on or lay on the baby)
I have a humidifier for the baby room (in our room at the moment because the baby will be sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed for the first month or so)
Should I buy a air purifier? Are there any good ones that are quiet enough not to wake the baby?
Am I just crazy and stressing over nothing?
Thank you in advance for the advice
Dry, dusty, hair... How does the air in your house effect the baby? Am I just going crazy?
I have the same problem. I'm 39 weeks and I also live in Arizona. I know I dust and 2 days later it looks like I did nothing. I also have a cat and a ferret so I worry about the effects they will have on my baby. If you don't already, I suggest getting a vacuum with a hepa filter. This will reduce the dust and dander that accumulates around the house. For dusting, use Pledge or windex and a rag. Feather dusters and those Swiffer dusters just spread the dust around. As for Ionizing air purifiers, most of them have mixed reviews. Since they're pretty expensive, I would wait until the baby comes. Then if you notice congestion or breathing issues, you may want to ask your pediatrician about getting one. I think if you do everything else, the purifier will be unnecesary. For the smoke smell, launder everything that can be laundered. Steam clean the rugs and furniture if you can, or febreeze them. Smoke smell gets everywhere, so you might benefit from using a cleaner like simple green of another kind on the walls, since even they pick up the smoke smell. Hope this helps and congrats.
Dry, dusty, hair... How does the air in your house effect the baby? Am I just going crazy?
Just din safe an is no problem
Dry, dusty, hair... How does the air in your house effect the baby? Am I just going crazy?
ok first of all calm down.. lol we have all been their. If their is too much dust and /or cat hair the baby could have clogged sinuses or a continually runny nose as my son did when he was born. We were living with my parent so their were 4 cats and 2 dogs. The doctor told us to get an ionizer. its an electronic air cleaner they run from 250 and up. they are super quiet and work great. The Humidifier is a must as well the baby needs moist air and arizona just doesn't provide that. Also a MUST no pets in the room the baby sleeps so for the first month your room and then his/hers. It was a big adjustment for my husband and I but you have to do it for your Child. Everything will be just fine so long as you keep the babys stuff clean.. God Bless and Good Luck!
Dry, dusty, hair... How does the air in your house effect the baby? Am I just going crazy?
there are different studies with various findings but children who live in immaculate houses with no dust tend to have horrible allergies when they get older. but kids who live in houses with normal dust and stuff are okay and i am definitely a testament to that because... my parents weren't much on immaculate houses and i have no sinus issues.
as for cats... i have read where children who grow up with cats have three times the likelihood of having schizophrenia later in life.
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